Picture 1: Initial burn...to see the blister better you have to tilt your screen a bit, it's not a good photo.
Picture 2: A couple days later...red and scabbed over. It still hurt.
Beware of pop tarts and toaster ovens people....I am serious! I have never been one to put my pop-tart in the toaster, I prefer to eat it right out of the wrapper, immediate gratification style...but this day, I decided to put it in the toaster, why not? right. Anyhow, so, I here it pop up, I walk back to the kitchen, go to take it out...and bam, searing hot jelly all over my thumb, burning the crap out of it. I freak out. A pop tart, really?!
Believe it, I'm not the only one~
So that wasn't enough for me. I must be compensated, this injustice will not stand. I call Kellogg in the morning. I let their customer service department know in a message that I'm extremely dissatisfied with their product, and that I may stop buying pop-tarts all together because of the burn.
Well, I figured that would be it, it would be logged away as complaint #1,456,232....
But no, I get a call back in about 10 minutes. A man calls and in the most obvious attempt to avoid litigation asks me rudimentary questions about the "event." Turns out it was MY fault...clearly I should have read the warning label on the back of the box that explosive jelly is common....
Either way, I was still mad and said I probably wouldn't buy anymore Kellogg products because of this (untrue...but I was bummed about my thumb)...and the guy offers me $10.00 and a Kellogg's bowl with a little plate.
So, aside from my blister and my hurt pride, I guess something good came out of this.
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