Friday, December 28, 2007

Happy Birthday Gramps

Today would have been, well, I think my Grandpa's 82 or 83 birthday....

Even though the last few years of his life were riddled with confusion and dimensia, I somehow still want him around. I miss him, and it makes me really sad that he won't be around to see my kids, and listen to what I'm doing, and give his unsolicited opinion on EVERYTHING!! (I even miss that).

I didn't think, when I went to the funeral, that I would cry. I had prepared myself fairly extensively before he died, or so I had thought. But then the day came, and I was a teary mess. I couldn't even get up to tell the story I had prepared. The story about how every night when he passed the room my sister and I played in after dinner he would grab our toes and recite "This little piggy went to market," and he would laugh so histerically every time. Even when Jillian and I were well into our teens...He'd flub the lines up every now and then, but he was so intent on grabbing every toe. I miss it now. Still, as I write this, I'm getting all welled up. I don't know what it is, but he was my only Grandpa I ever knew, and he was the greatest :) sure he had his problems, but he was such a genuine guy that stuck to his beliefs that I can do nothing but admire him. He was true to those he loved, and he loved me...oh gramps...

I know a couple little piggies that miss you :)

Thursday, December 6, 2007

true dat

“People spend money they don’t have, on things they don’t need, to impress people they don’t like”

Friday, October 5, 2007


Picture 1: Initial see the blister better you have to tilt your screen a bit, it's not a good photo.

Picture 2: A couple days and scabbed over. It still hurt.

Beware of pop tarts and toaster ovens people....I am serious! I have never been one to put my pop-tart in the toaster, I prefer to eat it right out of the wrapper, immediate gratification style...but this day, I decided to put it in the toaster, why not? right. Anyhow, so, I here it pop up, I walk back to the kitchen, go to take it out...and bam, searing hot jelly all over my thumb, burning the crap out of it. I freak out. A pop tart, really?!

Believe it, I'm not the only one~

So that wasn't enough for me. I must be compensated, this injustice will not stand. I call Kellogg in the morning. I let their customer service department know in a message that I'm extremely dissatisfied with their product, and that I may stop buying pop-tarts all together because of the burn.

Well, I figured that would be it, it would be logged away as complaint #1,456,232....

But no, I get a call back in about 10 minutes. A man calls and in the most obvious attempt to avoid litigation asks me rudimentary questions about the "event." Turns out it was MY fault...clearly I should have read the warning label on the back of the box that explosive jelly is common....

Either way, I was still mad and said I probably wouldn't buy anymore Kellogg products because of this (untrue...but I was bummed about my thumb)...and the guy offers me $10.00 and a Kellogg's bowl with a little plate.

So, aside from my blister and my hurt pride, I guess something good came out of this.

Friday, September 7, 2007


So, back from Burning Man, back to reality, back to "the default world,"*(as a lot of people refer to it there...), and back to work...It was hard getting there and back, but I believe it was well worth it. I would definitely do certain things differently if I go back, but I really enjoyed my first time, and I am glad that I didn't let my preconceived notions get in the way of my time there...the art and visual aesthetic was really amazing, I am convinced of that...

El Hombre.


The Monkey effing cool.

The Temple.

The Oil Derrick.

One of the Tree-Houses.

certain photos were taken by John Case...can't take all the credit.
I really liked our was like the inner eight year old in me that still enjoys the idea of building a fort in my living room after I take my sheets out of the dryer really got to build the coolest fort ever...granted, I didn't do all the hard was still really fun :)

We had a dance floor, a dome, and a Tequila Tipi

Putt Putt Glof was really fun, I don't have a picture, although I'm sure I could find one on flckr or a similar sight...too much effort...and a few others, that one near center camp that did the circle drawing stuff was fun, and they gave out popsicles which was awesome!
But in all honesty, I didn't go to many camps with people I didn't know...oh well, a few times yes, but not really. If I do go again, I will: be more adventerous during the day and brave the heat to see all the art in the daylight, maybe not worry so much about the sandstorms....and well, maybe get in on some more food from other camps (if it's being offered of course :)

Good times.

Thursday, August 23, 2007


I have never given to a campaign before, nor have I ever really endorsed a candidate...but this guy makes me laugh, and Gavin is a I figured I'd give him $25, and my vote.

he has had a few articles in the paper, I've read his's all pretty ridiculous, and for some reason I think S.F. politics needs this.


(stole that from Dan... :)

Monday, August 20, 2007

Sea Ranch Birthday Bash

So, I haven't had much time to post things at home (which is why I am just getting to Sea Ranch...we went in mid-July), mainly because I am paying for an Internet service that I cannot use...which baffles my mind as well, but you know...somethings you just gotta let go and let God...I hate using 12 step references as well, but they actually DO make sense :)

This is Jake and I on Highway 1 (see homecoming picture above) stopping to take a few photos with Jillian and Matt (more pictures will come)...the drive home was definitely fun...I don't really recall ever having been on Highway 1 before, and it was so beautiful...

so, the weekend was great, it was much more functional than I thought it would be, and everyone got along just splendidly! At one point my Dad even told Phil how much he appreciated was fantastic!! The scenery there is so beautiful and rugged, I loved it. There were seals outside every morning, and crabs, and other sea was a big tide pool. Dad, Jillian, Jake and I rummaged around down on the rocks pointing and poking things...

Jake and I thought we should try some action shots (for my birthday I got two new cameras, so we had to try out the settings)...I think he got more air, but I gave it a valiant effort... Isn't it kinda strange how Jake doesn't have a I dating a witch?

I would love to go camping up there, maybe some time this fall if it isn't too cold. When I was young we went to a place down the coast a bit, bodega bay, and I remember it somewhat...sand dunes, crabs, beautiful beaches, oyster digging, losing my shoes, sand in my crotch, the whole bit. Either way, I'd love to get up there more.

Thursday, August 2, 2007



I'm not a coffee drinker, and for some reason, yesterday I was kinda tired, early to work and thought, "What the heck, I'll get a coffee....everyone else is doing it."

Well, I might as well have jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge because that seems to be the new black as well.

I have never been more uncomfortable for 8 hours in my life. I liken it to when Sara Lamson and I ran the half marathon in O.C. She convinced me (though it wasn't hard) to take two caffeine pills before the race (I know, I know, doping is illegal) and even though I ran a bunch, I had the most restless sleep of my life. At work though, it was even more difficult. I couldn't sit still, i was stretching and standing all day; nor could I focus on was a shit show.

Anyhow, I think I'm over my coffee cravings...I had one from Starbucks (gave me a stomach ache) and now one from the famed Pete's...which made me feel like one of the tweakers on the I think I'm back to sparkling water...does the job just as well!!

Thursday, July 12, 2007


Selena y los DINOS!!!!! AYAYAYA

Did you see who that was? It's SALINAS...

"I'm going to hang this fender in my garage man, and under it's going to say, "the fender that was ripped off by the bus of Salinas!"
"Anything for Salinasssss!!"

I think only Alex may love this movie as much as I do...and deep down I think I want to be a tejano singing sensation, only to be re-enacted by J.Lo on the big screen. Minus getting shot by her manager, Selena had a pretty enviable carrer...This movie makes me cry everytime...right when her husband, Chris Perez, turns to the wall and cries when he finds out that the love of his life and the lead singer in his band didn't make it...ahhhh man, I look past the previous hour of bad acting and I just lose it...anyhow...

I don't know why I'm thinking of that movie right now, probably because it was my birthday last night, and other than the fact that it is probably one of the best movies EVER...I am slightly hung-over and thinking random thoughts...

I had such a great time on my birthday, went to Suppenkuche with a bunch of pals, went to jade bar...and then it gets a little fuzzy :) However, I do know that I got a marshmellow gun, I had no idea they existed, and now I can't wait to try it out! So happy everyone could make it out on a Wednesday to celebrate my 24th!!! Viva Kristin(a) y los dinos...nice ring to it, huh?

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Good Times...

I don't know about everyone else (I don't even know who everyone else is in this situation, due to the fact I have told no one really about this blog...) but for me, this movie is one of my all time favorites. Whenever there was a dull moment in the conversation growing up, or I was somewhat drunk, lines from this film just made me fall on the floor laughing (OK...maybe just trip and fall....but still).

So, this is my favorite scene (that and all the swallow banter) of them at least...I just think it is so genius the way it is written and executed, especially all the Lady of the Lake stuff...I can picture it in my head perfectly going through the entire scene...


Old woman!
Man. Sorry. What knight lives in that castle over there?
I'm thirty-seven.
I-- what?
I'm thirty-seven. I'm not old.
Well, I can't just call you 'Man'.
Well, you could say 'Dennis'.
Well, I didn't know you were called 'Dennis'.
Well, you didn't bother to find out, did you?
I did say 'sorry' about the 'old woman', but from the behind you looked--
What I object to is that you automatically treat me like an inferior!
Well, I am King!
Oh, King, eh, very nice. And how d'you get that, eh? By exploiting the workers! By 'anging on to outdated imperialist dogma which perpetuates the economic and social differences in our society. If there's ever going to be any progress with the--
Dennis, there's some lovely filth down here. Oh! How d'you do?

How do you do, good lady? I am Arthur, King of the Britons. Who's castle is that?
King of the who?
The Britons.
Who are the Britons?
Well, we all are. We are all Britons, and I am your king.
I didn't know we had a king. I thought we were an autonomous collective.
You're fooling yourself. We're living in a dictatorship: a self-perpetuating autocracy in which the working classes--
Oh, there you go bringing class into it again.
That's what it's all about. If only people would hear of--
Please! Please, good people. I am in haste. Who lives in that castle?
No one lives there.
Then who is your lord?
We don't have a lord.
I told you. We're an anarcho-syndicalist commune. We take it in turns to act as a sort of executive officer for the week,...
...but all the decisions of that officer have to be ratified at a special bi-weekly meeting...
Yes, I see.
DENNIS: a simple majority in the case of purely internal affairs,...
Be quiet!
...but by a two-thirds majority in the case of more major--
Be quiet! I order you to be quiet!
Order, eh? Who does he think he is? Heh.
I am your king!
Well, I didn't vote for you.
You don't vote for kings.
Well, how did you become King, then?
The Lady of the Lake,...
[angels sing]
...her arm clad in the purest shimmering samite, held aloft Excalibur from the bosom of the water signifying by Divine Providence that I, Arthur, was to carry Excalibur.
[singing stops]
That is why I am your king!
Listen. Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.
Be quiet!
Well, but you can't expect to wield supreme executive power just 'cause some watery tart threw a sword at you!
Shut up!
I mean, if I went 'round saying I was an emperor just because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd put me away!
Shut up, will you? Shut up!

Ah, now we see the violence inherent in the system.
Shut up!
Oh! Come and see the violence inherent in the system! Help! Help! I'm being repressed!
Bloody peasant!
Oh, what a give-away. Did you hear that? Did you hear that, eh? That's what I'm on about. Did you see him repressing me? You saw it, didn't you?

Tuesday, June 26, 2007


Woe man
Whoa man
She was a thief
You gotta believe
She stole my heart and my cat
Josie and those hot Pussycats
They make me horny
Saturday morny
Girls of cartoons
Won't leave me in ruins
I want to be Betty's Barney
Hey, Jane, get me off
This crazy thing...
... called love

Sooooo, for the past few months I have been toying with the idea of a vacation. It has been about two years since I went on one (excluding trips to Tahoe, Las Vegas, LA, the Cedars, New York, and other baby weekend vacations...those don't count), and I am feeling like a week long vacation is in order. Jake and I thought about Hawaii...Guatemala, and Argentina (still in the works for next year I think), but Burning Man somehow won the prize. So yeah...this will be my first time...

I feel a sense of hypocrisy going to this event for various reasons...

1) I made fun of people who went to this festival, and continue to do so....and will more than likely make fun of myself whilst there...
2) I always thought it was for old hippie friends of my dad...which led me to do #1 repeatedly.
3) The scene there, or what I had heard of it...didn't really seem like my style of fun...granted, I like to do various things that go on there, I just felt like it was a forced and superficial atmosphere....
4) I like to camp near a source of water (this one isn't hypocritical though...just logical I guess) that so wrong?!

there are more reasons but ultimately it all leads back to reason #1...

So, I knocked it before I tried now I'm trying it...and hopefully since I knocked it down so long ago, I will be able to enjoy it objectively without all those preconceived notions....that and Jake's pictures of it are pretty great, and his stories did intrigue me.

Anyhow...guess there is lots to do before hand. Figure out supplies (water, food, etc), become a major artist in the course of two months....get some weird outfits together (I'm opposed to this it seems a little forced...) I don't know...but first I have to buy my ticket to make it official. It's freakin expensive, too bad they don't do it on Ocean Beach anymore....sad.

On that note:
Harriet, Harriet
Hard-hearted harbinger of haggis
Beautiful, bemuséd
Bellicose butcher

.....fade to black :)

Friday, June 22, 2007


zeit·geist Pronunciation: 'tsIt-"gIst, 'zIt Function: noun Etymology: German, from Zeit (time) + Geist (spirit) Date: 1884 Meaning: the general intellectual, moral, and cultural climate of an era.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

E"bowl"a Virus

So Alex, Dan and I joined a bowling league at the Presidio Bowling Club with two other people we did not know previously to this. I have never really bowled much in my life, maybe 4 times, tops, but I have always been a fan and thought it would be something fun to get into. Everytime that I went, I loved it.

On our first official game as a team, I bowled really well, the second time, eh, not so much; but I am hoping I fall somewhere inbetween today, and have a little more consistency. My goal for the season is to bowl a 200 (super lofty...but hey, here's to trying *clink imaginary beers together*). I just think it would be super cool to be one of those kick ass bowlers that hits a strike every time and turns around with a face that communicates to other bowlers "ain't no thang..."

My nickname while bowling is "Bernie." I love my middle name, Bernice, but Dan thinks it's funny to call me Bernie...and so do I :) Won't be telling my Gramma that any time soon though (it's her real name...or maybe I will and she will be flattered.)

Anyhow, bowling kicks ass, and I'm stoked to finally get some real practice.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

B2B, Memorial Day and beyond

The last couple of weeks have been sorta out of control for me. Last weekend Vince came down and insisted that we all binge drink like him (jeez he's a lush haha)! We went out Friday night to Savoy Tivoli and then to the SF Brewery down on Columbus....their clever advertising made us think that pints were only $1 (apparently the fine print said only 1/2 pints were $1...which is still not too shabby).

Saturday was Jake, Jenny and Dru's birthday extravaganza in the park as well as Erin's Bon Voyage was a packed day of day drinking and friends, and I went to bed somewhat early that night...mainly to prepare for Bay to Breakers the next day....a day fated as one of the most belligerent days of the year for most SF residents....
It was fun...I lost everyone in the first five minutes and did the majority of the race (we stopped at spreckles) with Jake and his friend Will. I suffered a chipped tooth and a minor cut on my lip due to a sloppy girl running into my bottle mid-sip (in hindsight, I think it was probably a mutual mistake...but I'd like to place the blame on the unknown in this situation). Jake suffered, and is still suffering from a hurt ankle ('hurt' because it is not determined yet what exactly went on inside...but needless to say, he knows that it hurts and doctors can't do too much for a broken/sprained foot, so whatever...). Apparently doing David Lee Roth kicks off the tiny bridge near the De Young is not the best idea while slightly inebriated...

We had to walk a good two miles on it too, which probably did nothing positive...

The week was great, went to a couple fun restaurants, a giants game, and did other stuff I can't was a busy week regardless if I can recall what I did or not though :)

That leads to this weekend, Memorial Day weekend...normally I go out of town this weekend, Grass Valley or elsewhere...but this year I decided to stay in town and not do much (kinda take 'er easy....or so I thought). Friday I went to Alex and Dan's for some Vino and comida...which was a lot of fun. They were going to see a midnight showing of Trolls 2 (total blockbuster)...I skipped out of that, and skipped into Amber and Lucky 13 with Jake and Will once again...Saturday Nicole, Jake and I went to Dallas and Vida's Party...IT WAS SO MUCH FUN!!! They had a margarita machine, mariachis and other was a great night, and to finish it off Nicole and I took Jake and one of his pals out dancing at Vertigo...again, a very fun, standard night of dancing at Vertigo...I was subsequently soooo tired when I got up the next morning (felt like a big rig had t-boned me). Sunday afternoon got some sushi with Jake, Nicole and Mosh and went to a cheese store...then I thought it would be fun to check out a band down in Portrero with Nate, D&A, Jake and some of Jake's friends. The show was super fun, but clearly, we weren't finished with the night because we went to Mighty, and then a house party returning in the wee hours of the morning...Nate's genius idea took us to Cala Foods where we purchased some standard junk food and passed out right after.'m exhausted from just reading this....we went to Carrie and Jeff's to lay out by the pool and play with their new puppies...we made a pit stop to Target where I got some new clothes...super cool...and then headed home....I passed out pretty soon thereafter. Either way, it was a fun weekend, but super exhausting...I mean, I'm still tired...

Tonight I'm gonna go back down to Palo Alto to play softball...even though I feel as though my arms are gonna fall should be fun :)

Friday, May 11, 2007

Townhall :)

Went to Townhall last night for some amazing food :) a pal of mine is a chef there, and is leaving, which is why we chose to go there.

I got the stuffed pork, and Jake got the fried Chicke-Chickon....we got the tuna tartare for an appetizer and it came with fried green tomatoes (I had never had, and always thought it was just a name of a, super good).

It was also to celebrate jake turning dirty (30)...but since it wasn't his real birthday, it's today, and he had to pack for Las Vegas this weekend, it wasn't super crazy, which can be a good thing sometimes (wow, I just sounded semi-lame).

On a lighter note, Nicole and I went to Orale Orale for lunch at 11am today and got a couple margaritas...AYAYAYAY...que idea, no? jaja...but all in all it was a nice me all excited to go home and nap...then go out...

mmmmm que me pongo esta noche?!!! no se....crap

Monday, April 30, 2007

New Year's April 28, 2007

Many times, when the new year starts people make a bunch of asinine resolutions, only to find out that two weeks later they are back to not going to the gym, eating junk food, or one of the other many generic and lame things people resolve not to do. Thankfully, I do not subscribe to that horrible tradition and continue with my wanton behavior year round for the most part. However, now that I went to a new year's party in the middle of the year, I feel more inclined and open to the idea of making a resolution (there is no pressure like that felt on new year's, and since we are already in the 5th month of this year, that's means only 7 months to do this instead of the gruesome twelve). of now, even though it is just a little post-party reflection...I would like to resolve not to eat the bullshit people bring into my office...doughnuts, chocolate, cake, etc...i just have no self control and I binge on's not pretty and my stomach is constantly mad at me.

Anyhow, back to the party, it was a sexy good time.
There were two ball dropping count-downs...champagne and fruit, delicious entrees, beautiful out-fits...shnazzy decorations...quarters, and eventually drunk karaoke...haha

Gracias a dios que no cante, but I'm sure one of these days I will :) I still have some "mike anxiety" after my poor performances in Argentina and Cyprus...why is it when I'm in another country and really tanked I always get forced to karaoke...WHY?

The weather was so nice down in LA, Jake and I laid out by the pool a couple times and I got a little color on my pasty white skin (I think Jake looked the same though...hmph). Either way, I think there should be more mid-year New Year's festivities. Maybe we should call them Half Year New Years...I don't know, that wasn't all that creative...maybe something else.

In this can see that the pop rocks were flowing just a quickly as the champagne....spread it on!!!

Back at work now, barf poo stink.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Again with the Chocolate

DANG....Easter=chocolate overload...and yeah, Easter happened way back on the 8th this month, but I am still experiencing the of the lawyers keeps bringing in candy by the bag...and placing it so close...I can almost smell it through the wrapping...mmmmm chocolate. Good thing I'm trying to lose some lbs...


The new restaurant, Jones, down in the Marina district is....AWESOME!! We got the mac n' cheese, hummus, calamari, awesome blossom, and the artichoke dip....I could have done without the hummus, but everything else was soooo great.

It is clear to me that a central theme is still lacking, as I and my friends were sort of confused as to where we were: A nice restaurant, an old diner, a sports bar?? WHERE ARE WE...haha. The old Marina Sports bar TVs are still there, and all this road diner chachqui (lisence plates, beer signs, checkered table cloths, etc) which sort of distracts from the semi-upscale dining experience they seem to want to portray...But, aside from the confusing decor...I had such a great time. Morasha was our server, and she did an amazing job :)

I would totally recommend it to anyone.

Other than that, I golfed for the first time ever down at the Palo Alto Hills golf club. Well, I don't know if hitting balls at the driving range is considered playing golf, but it's the first time I had ever done that either. My hands are super sore, blistered, and bruised...and my back is also a little sore...I always thought it would be this zen experience--relaxing and revitalizing. Instead, I was totally was a perfect day though :) We came home and finised Citizen Kane (finally) and ate stir fry...delish...haha

My respect for golf players has since doubled.

Friday, April 20, 2007

New York New York

You'd think this was going to be about most favorite reality T.V. Star....but it's not...

So New York was amazing! I loved it...and even though the weather wasn't perfect, I had a great time.

We saw most the sites...drank a lot, ate even more, and got to see Tom and Lawrence, both of whom I miss sooooo much. I loved Tom's apartment, well, let me rephraze, I was super happy I got to see Tom's apartment, and find out that he stole my catch phrase game and never fessed up when I asked him two years ago if he had it...haha...the apartment itself though, kinda tiny...and I wanted to see his infamous roommate...oh day :) I loved where he lived though, maybe because it reminded me so much of San Francisco (st. marks street being kinda like a punk version of haight).

We went to the waterfront to catch a glimpse of the Statue of Liberty (been there...done that...OVER IT haha). It was such a beautiful landscape down there with the Jersey Shore, and the clouds with a little sun peaking through that we decided to turn it into a glamour shot session, or should I say sesh...haha

there were a bunch of different shots, all of which are pretty similar, however they are different variations of Amy and Rina, Alex and Rina, Alex and me, Me Alex and Rina...etc (there are 32 variations we could have done...I think we came close to exhausting those).

One of the nights we went out to this club called Duvet (apparently it is a knock off of the swanky place called Bed...and maybe Cama here in the city, though I haven't been there yet...) but it was loaded with beds all over the place, and we really got into the theme...i.e. you couldn't drag us off the beds before we fell back on and started making all kinds of maddness and taking pictures of it are a few....

Amy and I try to look sexy, I think I just look pensive, Amy has her signature knock off Paris look... and in my head, Rina has a Julia Childes voice while trying to entice someone to come sit down next to her...which May and Alex quickly abided...

here is a good one of us, pretty composed, too, I might add...
Beds are such a great idea at a club, mainly because heels suck so much...A+ for thought, A- for being a knock off...D+ for the price of drinks....C- for the types of guys there (douchey came to mind)...sooo, I guess this club gets a B overall.

We saw ground zero...pretty crazy, but I think I liked the time line better than the actual site, which just looks like another construction zone. Central Park was great, just like all the movies, I want to go back and walk around in there some more (perhaps when the weather is a little nicer). The museum of Natural History was a hoot, in most of our pictures we are trying to do inappropriate gestures to things on display (I guess that is what happens when five people go to a museum totally hungover...haha). New York is fun, but I like San Francisco more right now....I do think someone should advocate for a 4am closing time for our bars as well...that is pretty dang sweet.

We did tons more, and took a million picutres... all in all an amazing trip...too bad we couldn't have stayed longer!!

Friday, April 6, 2007


Oh lordy, how I love it!! Unfortunately, I do not love it when co-workers bring in super rich chocolate boxes and place them 10 feet from my desk...why? well, because I have no self-control...and I ate 5 pieces, and now I feel like I'm going to vomit...

man o man...when will I learn?