It's been a year or so since I've posted. Much too long. How could I have kept my hoards of fans from such important information. Mom...if you're reading this, that means you!
So much has happened I don't even know where to start. I got a new job that I like, I went to Yosemite for the first time, I had Korean BBQ, my sister got married, and got a dog (I still have no animal, and I've switched my object of affection from a pug to a Boston Terrier. One day I'll be responsible enough to own a dog, but I digress...back to my major life accomplishments from the past year), Alex and Dan got married, Jake's sister had a baby, I got a sweet calendar, and drew some pictures, among oth

I've even become accustomed to the high volume of caffeine in Peet's coffee. I guess tolerance is a short lived creature. Either way, I'm not addicted, so don't judge. I buy coffee maybe once a week (if that), and for the most part drink it once or twice a week, tops.
Alex and Dan got married! So crazy to think 6 or so years ago we met a skinny, bearded guy on a random street in Budapest that would end up being one of my best friend's husband. Como me encanta la vida...Dan Dan the Dancing Man, you are the best bowling buddy a girl could ask for :)
Jillian Ely is no more, she is now Mrs. Anderson. Sort of a strange what a name change can do. I'm still not used to it, but I know I'll get there soon enough. :)
All in all, and as cliche as it sounds, time has flown and things have changed. Queue David Bowie please...
Now, it seems I am faced with a new situation. My company wants me to move. I've been in San Francisco for nine years. Nine years! I can almost talk about a decade in one city, and at my age it is making me feel old. But, it begs the question -- do I stay in a city I have loved like a dear old friend, or do I move to a new city that seems very foreign and hot (think summertime on the Sun's surface)?
Either way, I know things will work out. They always do. I just wish I had a flow chart of the possibilities. I

As Mom always said: Que sera, sera... (a little bit of pacifism never hurt anyone, right Donnie?)