The last couple of weeks have been sorta out of control for me. Last weekend Vince came down and insisted that we all binge drink like him (jeez he's a lush haha)! We went out Friday night to Savoy Tivoli and then to the SF Brewery down on Columbus....their clever advertising made us think that pints were only $1 (apparently the fine print said only 1/2 pints were $1...which is still not too shabby).
Saturday was Jake, Jenny and Dru's birthday extravaganza in the park as well as Erin's Bon Voyage was a packed day of day drinking and friends, and I went to bed somewhat early that night...mainly to prepare for Bay to Breakers the next day....a day fated as one of the most belligerent days of the year for most SF residents....
We had to walk a good two miles on it too, which probably did nothing positive...
The week was great, went to a couple fun restaurants, a giants game, and did other stuff I can't was a busy week regardless if I can recall what I did or not though :)
That leads to this weekend, Memorial Day weekend...normally I go out of town this weekend, Grass Valley or elsewhere...but this year I decided to stay in town and not do much (kinda take 'er easy....or so I thought). Friday I went to Alex and Dan's for some Vino and comida...which was a lot of fun. They were going to see a midnight showing of Trolls 2 (total blockbuster)...I skipped out of that, and skipped into Amber and Lucky 13 with Jake and Will once again...Saturday Nicole, Jake and I went to Dallas and Vida's Party...IT WAS SO MUCH FUN!!! They had a margarita machine, mariachis and other was a great night, and to finish it off Nicole and I took Jake and one of his pals out dancing at Vertigo...again, a very fun, standard night of dancing at Vertigo...I was subsequently soooo tired when I got up the next morning (felt like a big rig had t-boned me). Sunday afternoon got some sushi with Jake, Nicole and Mosh and went to a cheese store...then I thought it would be fun to check out a band down in Portrero with Nate, D&A, Jake and some of Jake's friends. The show was super fun, but clearly, we weren't finished with the night because we went to Mighty, and then a house party returning in the wee hours of the morning...Nate's genius idea took us to Cala Foods where we purchased some standard junk food and passed out right after.'m exhausted from just reading this....we went to Carrie and Jeff's to lay out by the pool and play with their new puppies...we made a pit stop to Target where I got some new clothes...super cool...and then headed home....I passed out pretty soon thereafter. Either way, it was a fun weekend, but super exhausting...I mean, I'm still tired...
Tonight I'm gonna go back down to Palo Alto to play softball...even though I feel as though my arms are gonna fall should be fun :)